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Immune Support Supplements, What Works and What Doesn’t

While there is a plethora of information available as to the effects of certain immune support supplements, either online or elsewhere, concrete information about the veracity and effectiveness of these claims is scattered, and often hidden behind a smokescreen of salesmanship and profiteering….

Below, I will outline and define some of the relevant information into an easy-to-read, accessible format, and hopefully enable consumers to make informed, knowledgeable decisions when it comes to selecting and purchasing immune support supplements.

Naturally Occurring Immune Support Supplements

An immune support products is a concentrated form of a naturally occurring compound, chemical, or enzyme that has been encapsulated in an easy-to-take, convenient form. Organic substances such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and D have powerful positive effects on our immune systems, encouraging creation of white blood cells and giving the body the power to fight off potential infections. These agents have been part of the natural human diet for millinnea, and have only recently been phased out of human caloric intake with the advent of the Industrial Age and the substitution of high quality fresh foods for highly processed, degenerated foods.

While many immune system products exist, it is important to compare and contrast these supplements, to know which compounds and enzymes give a superior boost to the immune system, and which would be impractical or ineffective. It is also helpful to have a basic understanding of the immune system, and the effect that diet and metabolism can have upon your immune system. The human immune system is a sophisticated and complex organic process that utilizes everything that the human body consumes, such as the air we breathe and the food that we eat, to create a natural barrier and defense system against foreign infections. It does this by creating white blood cells and other antibodies, that circulate around the body, attacking and breaking down harmful micro-organisms and toxins and processing them through the liver, to be excreted as waste. These cells, as all cells, thrive in an optimum environment, with an optimum percentage and availability of necessary nutrients and enzymes, and while metabolism is a wholly natural process that every human body performs, there are a number of different substances that can improve and assist this process.

The food that is consumed by the human body is metabolized and broken down into all of its constituent parts, and processed through the body to an appropriate channel. Compounds such as beta Carotene and other carotenoids, as well as essential vitamins such as Vitamins A and D, are essential for a well maintained and high functioning immune system. The immune response, much like the human body as a whole, reacts to the fuel that is put into it, either in a positive or a negative way. Highly processed foods may be high in caloric content, but are nutritionally devoid of any healthy content. Immune Support supplements fulfill the need of the human body for these essential compounds, utilizing them for a stronger and more productive immune-response.

Popular Immune Support Supplements

Beta Carotene is a naturally occurring organic hydrocarbon, found in high percentages in carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins. It is a vivid orange colored pigment, and can be found in moderate quantities in fruits and vegetable such as asparagus, nectarines and mangoes. Vitamins A and D are natural metabolites of and proxy to the carotenoids, but can also be found in spinach, collard greens and kale in high doses. Collectively known as carotenoids, these enzymes assist the immune system by enabling production of white blood cells and antibodies, increasing the overall humoral response.

Beta Glucan Supplements: Many would agree that an extremely effective way to fortify the immune system is by taking supplements that include Beta Glucans. These are long chain polysaccharides, also known as special poly-glucose and complex sugar. Beta glucans can be found in a variety of sources, from the bran of certain cereal grains to certain types of mushrooms, fungi and in baker’s yeast. They work by stimulating our blood cells, also known as macrophages, which activates many important immune body functions, essentially boosting the immune system. This in turn can provide what the body needs to battle harmful bacteria and germs. Beta glucans also work to increase the number of immune cells, further benefiting the overall condition of the immune system. Damaged tissues are repaired in a more effective way and the removal of cellular waste from oxidative deterioration is increased. Lipid levels can also significantly be reduced with the use of beta glucan. It does this by lowering bad cholesterol and LDL as well as by regulating the general cholesterol level in the body. This in turn helps to ward off disease and strengthen immunity. There are various immune’s support supplements that can provide adequate amounts of Beta glucans along with other helpful nutrients.

Selenium Supplements: Selenium is a trace element that is considered a necessary mineral as well as a powerful antioxidant. Our bodies utilize selenium in the manufacturing of selenoproteins. These are strong enzymes that can provide protection from aging and stress. Since stress can trigger a faster production rate of free radicals, selenium is seen as important in tolerating stress since it helps to clean up these extra byproducts. A healthier functioning thyroid, which is where immune system cells mature, can be an added benefit of selenium. The efficiency of certain vitamins and powerful antioxidant can be boosted when combined with selenium. For example when combined with vitamin E, excess inflammation can be decreased. Since an overdose of selenium may be toxic, care must be taken when taking any selenium immune support supplements by sticking to the appropriate recommended dosages.

Vitamins A, C and D Supplements:
have also been linked to an improved immune response. These amino acids and their metabolites have been linked to an increase of production of T-cells, one of the bodies foremost defenders against inflammation and infection. These vitamins are naturally found in such foods as organ meats, red chiles, as well as some of the foods listed above, such as kale and sweet potatoes. Regular intake of Vitamins A and D have a proven beneficial result on the immune response. Vitamin C is a commonly encountered essential nutrient, and has been naturally found or artificially implanted in many of the foodstuffs that we see everyday. Humans are not capable of manufacturing Vitamin C in the body, and must gain their entire supply from the food that is ingested. Common sources include citrus fruits, fresh red meats, and Chili peppers. Vitamin C acts in concert with the immune system to drastically increase the ability to stave off infections.

Zinc Supplements: Another key antioxidant that can support the immune system from damaging free radicals is Zinc. Free radicals are harmful byproducts of oxygen-based reactions that can cause damage to cells. Zinc can play a part in protecting the body in various ways, such as by promoting wound healing and protecting against certain skin conditions. It also supports the immune system by helping to increase the production of white blood cells, which the body sends out to attack invaders. Other benefits of Zinc include increased production of male sperm, better insulin sensitivity, a healthier metabolism, an improved brain function, stronger skeletal growth and a healthier production of multiple thyroid hormones. There are also several food sources that are high in zinc and high in protein. These can be found in cheddar cheese, oysters, peanuts and roast beef.

The lack of these essential compounds in the mass produced industrial food supply in developed nations today is shocking. Many developing nations, though they are stricken with famine and disease, supplement their diets with a healthy quantity of foods containing these vital agents, and hence live comparatively healthier lives, while opportunistic and so called “diseases of civilization” run rampant in first world cultures. The answer lies in the lack of necessary nutrients gained from fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Immune support supplements aim to change and invigorate the common Western diet by incorporating these essential nutrients into the diet in a readily available and easy to consume format. Most, if not all Immune support supplements contain at least a full Daily Recommended Value of all the essential caretenoids and Vitamins A, C and D, negating the chance that the immune system suffers due to lack of essential nutrients and trace minerals. A typical Western diet contains almost 4000 calories a day, but studies have shown that merely 30% of Americans are getting the nutrition that their bodies require. When this happens the imbalance affects every system in the body, but none more severe than the immune system. A well balanced dietary supplement containing the trace minerals needed by the body to support a strong immune response is essential for leading a healthy and disease free life.

While the human body is not fully understood, the facts laid out in this article can help consumers boost their immune response, and make informed and healthy choices when it comes to improving their bodies immune response. A well balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients and amino acids that are bodies need is difficult to maintain in today fast paced and hectic world. Only with immune support supplements can consumers truly get all the vital nutrition they need.
